Welcome to the LightRecycle Washington Registration and Reporting System

LightRecycle Washington is the Product Stewardship Program developed for the proper disposal of mercury-containing lights in Washington State, and has been approved by the Washington State Department of Ecology. Washington State law requires lighting producers to participate in a statewide program for collection and recycling of mercury-containing lights.

Participating producers and remitting retailers must register with LightRecycle Washington as Participants and report the quantity of mercury-containing lights sold using this online registration and reporting system.

LightRecycle Washington is administered by PCA Product Stewardship Inc., a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit product stewardship organization incorporated in Oregon and registered in Washington (UBI number 603 226 459).

For more information on LightRecycle Washington, visit https://www.lightrecycle.org

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New Participants
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Please do NOT complete the registration system again if your company has already registered.

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